Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Eve 2012

My Japanese houseguest woke up on December 31st and asked if we could return to Park Meadows Mall for more shopping. I had a moment of panic as I remembered our previous visit. Images of the crush of people, the constant noise, and the hell of getting out of the parking lot all flashed through my brain. I tried to think of someplace, anyplace that would serve as a substitute. For some reason, Cherry Creek Mall jumped into my memory and then into my mouth. (figuratively speaking, of course) I made the suggestion, he quickly checked out the mall on his phone, and Big Smile! The Cherry Creek Mall would be acceptable. (Score!)

The most amusing part of my two hours roaming the mall, was when a man walked by me with his one pant leg ripped. He was in his 60s, conservatively dressed, and walking at a normal pace. What caught my attention was that his left pant leg was ripped up the back, all the way up to mid-thigh. The pieces were flapping as his walked, so it wasn't like he hadn't noticed. I could see his black crew socks, white skin and a great deal more of his thigh than I was prepared for. I had to admire his aplomb. How the hell do you rip your pants like that at an upscale mall? I truly wanted to know the answer but didn't have the cojones to ask.

In the evening, I made dinner for the family. The younger people were going to a New Year's Eve party in Westminster. My job was to fix up beds for their later return, babysit my granddaughter, then pick up the partygoers after midnight. I suspect the party was the highlight of our young guest's visit. He was having a wonderful time when I arrived just in time for the countdown at midnight. There was a lot of laughing, hugging, and dancing going on. The poor guy had to get up to go to the airport about 3 hours after going to bed, but he woke up as cheerful and pleasant as ever. I don't think I've ever met a more congenial person.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Congenial....... Yes, that's right the word for him. Congenial.
    Brought his own bath towel and washed his breakfast dishes.
    Yeah, congenial!
