Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My Wednesday Morning

I woke up, happy that it's a lot warmer this morning. The trains were awful last night. It was like listening to a week's worth of train traffic in a four-hour period. It was almost impossible to sleep after 2:30.

Because of my poor sleep, I slept an hour later than usual. I turned on the news and found myself riveted by the plight of a woman in Portland, Oregon who was stuck between two buildings. She apparently was on a smoking break on a roof around 3:00 AM and slipped. I can only imagine her terror as she fell. It was cold and her feet weren't able to touch the ground because the buildings were closer together near the ground. Just before the news went to a commercial, the fire fighters had coated her in cooking oil, and were cutting off her clothing.

During the commercial, I went into the kitchen to pour my coffee, came back into the sunroom and, voila!, the woman had been extracted. She was crammed in there between two walls for four and a half hours. She was thrilled to be free, and looked like she wasn't seriously harmed by her ordeal.

It's so good to start the day with a happy ending.


  1. I hope they thought to give her a robe, poor thing! Just as long as they don't have to get a crane to lift her out, she will probably survive the whole ordeal. Same thing happened to a woman in my mom's senior living center. She fell between the bathtub and the toilet. got stuck and they had to use cooking oil - or lard -to slide her out. What have we learned from this? Never stand on a rooftop to smoke and never stand between your toilet and tub for any reason.

    1. I think she still had some of her clothes on when she emerged, and they had a sheet ready. Thank goodness she wasn't smoking on that roof alone because I doubt anyone would have thought to look between the buildings.
