Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Monday's Momentum

Monday got off to a weird start in a small way then, once the crazy-ball was rolling, things sped up. It started when my neighbor came over to get the Sunday paper's crossword puzzle we always save for him. (he has a standing order)  Unfortunately for me, I wasn't dressed yet and my hair was its usual fright wig. (it takes copious amounts of water to subdue my hair. I don't understand the physics yet) He told me the other neighbor's German Shepherd was running around loose, so he had called animal control to pick up the dog before it could hurt his cat.

I got dressed, planning to go check on the dog once I was presentable for a public appearance. I looked out the window, expecting to see a dog, but there was a group of Catholic priests standing across the street, talking and laughing. That house belongs to the church, and a priest lives there, but I seldom see him, much less see him all dolled up in his black cassock. There were at least ten men in long, black vestments. I immediately thought of crows. I wish I could have taken a photo of the unusual crowd, but that would have been un-neighborly of me.

I was still trying to watch Obama's inauguration but I didn't want the neighbor's dog to get picked up. I went next door to see if the gate was open. The gate was locked tight and the very large dog was lying in front of it. When I slowly approached, he stood then dropped down into a pose that looked like he was about to charge. I retreated but he followed me, peeking around the corner of the house to watch me go back inside. Armed with a package of crackers, I returned to their yard. I was nervous as he walked up to me, but he ate a cracker. I tried to go past him to the gate but he got there before me. I gave him some more crackers and was rewarded with a little wag of his tail.

Because of the solid fence, I've never seen the neighbor's dog. In fact, I thought they only had one. I tentatively opened the gate, surprised when it suddenly shook. There was another dog, a German Shepherd mix with a grey muzzle, behind the gate and he was trying to get out. I immediately fastened the latch. This freaked out the dog on my side of the gate. He started making German Shepherd noises, (hard to describe) leaped up and put his giant paws on my shoulders, and started licking my face. He really wanted back in his yard. Hoping the neighbors really did have two dogs, I opened the gate and he charged through. The big guy was ecstatic about being reunited with his friend.

Having survived my mission to keep the dog out of doggy jail, I went home and started to read the Denver Post. It was a shock when I opened the newspaper and saw my friend's picture. Kathy lives in Ohio and has early-onset Alzheimer's. The Associated Press distributed a story about her being one of the first volunteers for a "brain pacemaker" that was surgically implanted. I have a friend in Colorado who has Parkinson's Disease, had the same sort of device implanted and is doing great. Kathy had told me about the study and the operation, and said she was going to be on Ohio television, but now she's gone national. Way to go, Kathy.

Kathy at the Cabin

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