Friday, April 12, 2013

Boise By Any Other Spelling Would Smell as Sweet

I'm so punchy from driving all day that I could't spell Boise. I had to look at the cover of the hotel's phone book to get it right. I'm asking myself  'Just how many variations could there be? It's only five letters, for christ's sake!' The point is  I persevered until justice was done to this fair city's name.

But I  digress.

We had a lovely visit with our friends in Lake Oswego, but had to leave this morning. I really didn't want to go. Their home is an oasis of hospitality and intelligence. They've known us for many, many years and still like us!

That's two major good-byes in just two days. That sort of thing is becoming harder on this old girl.

But, have no doubt, Colorado is my home amd I love it there. I don't think "Home is where the heart is" covers all the bases. My heart is wherever my people are, and they're all over the place.

1 comment:

  1. Becky if you are still in town you should come see me.My # 208-899-7456. f I don't see you have a great trip.KayKay
