Friday, April 26, 2013

An Almost Productive Day

It's around the 4 o'clock hour. I worked around the house this morning, finished making revisions on a short story (that is going to get sent out-come hell or high water), and had coffee with some fellow writers. Now I'm home and fighting off sleepiness. I can be so very tired in the afternoon, yet lay awake for hours in the middle of the night.

I came home from having coffee with a few more authors to add to my must read list. I will never be able to read every book that is on my wish list. I will someday die with the list unfinished, and I'll have to feel guilty about it since it's doubtful one can read in the afterlife.

There's a brief article by Leo Babauta in my email today. He writes a blog I enjoy reading. The title of today's post was "Why You Should Write Daily".  The trouble with advice geared toward helping procrastinating writers to write is that it's all obvious and it has all been said before. Many times. His piece is very well-written and everything he says is true, but the first point under "How to Write Daily" is" (1) Commit to writing daily. Good grief! Who hasn't thought of that one already?

The point is, sort of,  you will write daily when you decide to do it. No one can talk you into doing something that seems so optional, so arbitrary, unless you've already made up your mind to do it. It's a goal I reach for every day and I fail most days. Between blogging, journaling, letters, and fiction, I think I can say, technically, that I write every day. But what I want to write is fiction. I want to finish my book. I want to send out the short stories so I can feel like I've done this thing just for my own personal gratification. The entire process of writing, including being in writing groups and having coffee with like-minded people, is part of what makes me whole.

I'm not making dinner tonight. Not cooking is a huge time saver I wish I could be comfortable with. I weigh too much anyway so why not start having cereal for dinner? But I digress....

New writing space 

Portland, Oregon

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