Monday, March 4, 2013

Writing From Inside a Snow Globe

It started snowing this morning just after 11:30. I had already finished my run to the bank and post office, and enjoying a latte at Ziggy's before returning home. I did a respectable number of jobs around the house before heading out, giving me a no-guilt afternoon for writing.

We worked hard around here on Sunday because we're currently in a state of flux and preparation. One of our daughters interviewed for a job in Boulder County and was hired in an unusually short amount of time. This caused a lot of decisions to be rapidly made. She, her husband, and daughter (and two cats) need a bigger place, so I had been agitating for a move for some time. (I don't get a vote, but I can have an opinion) I, as a part-time babysitter, very much dislike the drive to their house in Denver, particularly the drive home at rush hour when some of the blankity-blank drivers speed while cutting in and out of traffic, resulting in accidents that tie up the freeway for hours. There are simply too many people using the roads at the same time and it's not going to get any better.

The short version (you can thank me later) is that they are moving in with us until their house sells. While dreading all the work involved to move them, I'm happy about the change. Moving in with family is one of life's transitions that we need to be open to, and Longmont is a great town with a lot to offer its residents and visitors. I'm also fond of Denver. I consider the entire state to be my home, so I don't ever have to worry about divided loyalties.

I should start a contest where you buy a square to predict the move-out date. That way you could have an opinion, but not a vote, too. We used to do those contests when I worked in the factory but they were secret from management so maybe they weren't legal.

This is the perfect kind of snow. The driveway and roads are clear.

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