Monday, February 18, 2013

Tattoos:Life is Full of Decisions

During an idle conversation with friends, I mentioned that I had always wanted a tattoo. One person was mildly interested in what the design would be and where it would be located, but the other friend acted upset that I would consider doing such a thing. I'm paraphrasing, but she essentially said that if I want a change in appearance, I should wear some makeup. (no! anything but that!)

First, I have never understood how people can have such a strong reaction to what other people choose to do within the arena of legal and responsible behavior. I've witnessed this behavior rear its head about haircuts, clothing, choice of music, makeup, and on and on. I remember when a woman who dyed her hair was a slut. It was clear as the nose on your face in the 50s, but things change. There are extremes of almost anything in life, and there's a big difference in taste. I've seen beautiful art transforming a woman's arm, but I also remember a barista who had a tooth pulled, so she had a big molar with four hefty roots tattooed on her arm to replace it. That's just silly.

Prison tatts are not the kind I'm imagining when I imagine my tattoo. It's essentially a permanent condition, so I say spend the money on a good tattoo artist. And don't go overboard. I like earrings but I don't want to hang them all over my body. Use body art as an enhancement, not to replace your clothing.

Anyway, I worry about the strong reactions, but I'll probably do it anyway one of these days. Good tattoos are expensive so it'll have to work its way up my prioritized list.
I went out to the ranch today. Because of the wind, the air was crystal clear. An eagle was riding the wind above the plains. 
Haystack Mountain


  1. If you dyed your hair you were a slut, especially if the ROOTS showed! And if the sides weren't exactly the same length you felt like a pariah! Plus we used to sleep with our hair set on orange juice cans...

  2. I had a friend who slept sitting up against the headboard all night so she could have a beehive. The orange cans were the least of our troubles as we grew up.

  3. I like your picture of Haystack. Riley and I used to go to the golf place out there. Good to see it again (and to see your back in action, of course)

    1. OK, I have to be totally obsessive and correct my "your" to "you're". One of my biggest pet peeves :) Also, it makes an interesting difference in this case "your back" vs. "you're back" !

  4. I almost drove down the golf course's driveway just to see what it was like there. (9 holes public golf!)
    Love that area.

  5. There's a cute mug you can buy that says "When your right, your right". I heard a story yesterday about a guy who was getting "Shred until your dead" tattooed on his forearm. His friend noticed the mistake just in time.
