Sunday, February 3, 2013

Sick and Cranky

The only thing worse than being sick, is being sick then getting over it, only to relapse two days later. I am truly not in the mood for this turn of events. Steve took me on my customary drive in the country this morning. I think he planned to dump me out of the car on some deserted road, but must have chickened out. We went behind the hogback and explored the area around Carter Lake. There are a lot of campgrounds around that little reservoir, and a bunch of sailboats being stored around the marina. That must be one crowded lake in the summertime. We saw a lot of horses, particularly draft horses, and saw some deer for the first time in a while. This was the high point of my day.

Now the Superbowl is on the television. I'm waiting for the commercials with the Clydesdale foal but I usually fall asleep long before the good ads.

There's a good article by David Shields in the Sunday NYT magazine. "At a Certain Age, You're Building Only on Yourself". I'd try to summarize the article, but I'm too sick to muster up the energy required. If you haven't read any of his work, I recommend his new book, How Literature Saved My Life.

I'm hoping I wake up in the morning, miraculously cured. And I'm hoping I wake up in the morning. Why not cover all the bases in the hoping department?

I didn't know it was unsafe to eat while pumping gas.
That must be why I'm sick.


  1. ugh! What is that thing!?! Oh, a Cheeto. ugh!

  2. Doesn't exactly increase your appetite, does it?

  3. I think its a reference to how spicy the Cheetos are and such temperatures shouldn't be around fuel.

  4. ohhhh! I didn't know that little turd-like object was a cheeto until Tamcho pointed it out. I'm blaming the cold medication.

  5. I fell asleep after the Super Bowl half time show, and I don't even have being sick as an excuse. Hope you feel better soon!

    1. I think I'm feeling better so far today. I put an article about a postcard from DFW on my facebook page and thought you might enjoy it.
      Stay healthy.

    2. I did see your link to that article, thanks for sharing! It was a great read. The comments posted in response to the article were also interesting. I finished A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again a few nights ago..on to a new book :)
