Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Flotsam and Jetsam

It's a day for thinking. Rain does that to me. I had a story critiqued at the writing group last night, so I have plenty of ideas of how to improve the story, as well as the need to delete and rearrange some parts. It feels ready to be called finished. I didn't feel that way until today but I know I'm close. Plus, I had a small story materialize inside my head yesterday and had the good fortune to write it down before it disappeared into the land of lost memories. It will be an opening to a story that may have some arguments for and against the use of violence.

I worked hard all of the three-day weekend, as did all of the people in our house. The yard is finally starting to look like home instead of someone else's yard that was left behind. The rain is good for the tree we planted and all of the other growing things, but also offers a needed respite so that I can do some writing. The little one is watching a Dora the Explorer video. (It's fantastico!) but I can tell she is just about ready to move on to some real play. We have errands to run all over the county today and tomorrow but we can spend the afternoons at home.

I'm making Green Chile Stew for dinner tonight. It's one of the dinners I actually look forward to preparing and eating. One of our errands involves trying to find decent, fragrant Cilantro in a grocery store.

I think I could write for hours if I was organized and set up. I've lost a ridiculous number of files since we rearranged the house. I had too much paper clutter to begin with, thus the problem. I could do my writing time every night if I could only sleep afterwards. It's fun to dream about your book, and the characters are very true to life, but it's exhausting and doesn't seem to produce good sleep. I might try writing at night for a week and see if I can adjust.

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