Friday, January 17, 2014

Down For the Count

I've been getting sick and feel like crawling into bed and sleeping for about a week, but I can't breathe when I lie down. I can't take cold medicine because it gives me heart palpitations that are scarier than being sick. While staggering around sick and miserable, I accidentally infuriated my husband last night as I tried to serve dinner, so we had a fight, or would have, if he hadn't stormed out the door. He always storms out. It's sort of like guaranteeing he'll get the last word in no matter what. And what could make a fight more fun than having family members around to be the audience? Well, I'll tell you what is more fun. It's waking up the next morning and discovering that the house stinks because a mouse is dead behind the radiator. A dead and roasting mouse. A difficult to get out from behind the radiator kind of mouse.

How I feel today.

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