Monday, October 14, 2013

A Rainy Day in Longmont

My titles are seldom interesting at all, but I detest the pun headlines that newspapers, and some bloggers, continue to indulge in. Sometimes my posts have an actual topic, making it easier to invent a title, but usually I'm rambling around inside my head and have to resort to something vague. If I haven't learned to focus on a topic by now, it's not likely to ever happen.

So it's raining today. Knocking the colors off the trees. The clouds are high and stretch as far as the eye can see, except over the foothills, so it's a pleasant enough rain event. (We like to refer to our weather as an "event" here in Colorado: rain event, hail event, snow event, water up to your armpits event)

Longmont's rush hour

I'm taking our sick cat, Emily, back to the vet this morning. If her lab work has improved since Friday, she might not have to have a feeding tube surgically....what is the right word? installed? attached? implanted? She has serious liver problems brought on by stress. I've said it before, people...stress kills!

Since I thought we were going to have to pull the plug on her last Friday, I'm very grateful she has a chance to recover. She's 10 or 11, which is not exactly old and not exactly young. Like me at 61.

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