Saturday, December 15, 2012

We're Not in Kansas Any More

Today was a regular Saturday, but no two days are ever the same around here so maybe every day defies the definition of regular. As people both near and far try to grasp the reality of the murders that occurred last Friday, (in the sanctity of an elementary school, no less), we are all trying to remember what normal is. Our national concept of normal has once again been shattered but, sadly, each individual has to come to that realization on their own. Mankind is supposed to be moving toward the light, but our feet are still mired in darkness.

So I'll tell you what I did yesterday evening and today. I watched a nonsense movie (Rock of Ages) with a friend then, up way past my bedtime, slept for a while. I woke up, read the paper, wrote, went grocery shopping, and gassed up my car. Ordinary stuff. I spent some time getting a few holiday gifts online which was the hardest work I did today, then I made Green Chile Stew and ate it with some nice flour tortillas. Now I'm doing laundry and plan to watch another nonsense movie. (Dark Shadows) That's how I put one foot in front of the other. Going through the motions is all you can humanly do, whether you have been laid off from work, been diagnosed with cancer, or have lost a loved one. Time is the healer, and you don't ever truly get back to normal because normal is only a facade.

When I had cancer for the second time, (Not the same cancer twice. I got to try out a brand new cancer) I got incredibly tired of being told I had to create a new normal for myself. Four years later, the "new normal" expression still drives me crazy. I say fuck that little ditty. Don't talk to someone with cancer by using idiot cliches unless you want me coming at you with my crazy face on.

Tomorrow is another day we can try to shape to our liking while fending off asteroids of unpredictability. Good luck to each and every one of us.

1 comment:

  1. "Tomorrow is another day we can try to shape to our liking while fending off asteroids of unpredictability." I love that. Particularly the inclusion of the word "try."
