Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Learn Something New Every Day

I was wandering around different websites, trying to get a handle on how many books are published each year in the United States. Despite my love of comforting statistics, nothing has changed overnight. Statistics still contradict each other and you can't trust them any further than you can throw them. One thing is obvious, though. There are more books being published every year. In the realm of words, it's difficult to factor in all the ways to feed that reading addiction. In my limited time available this morning, I can't get a handle on the number. Are e-books and self-published books included in the stats? What about audio books? Some snowy day in the near future, I'll go back to my research.

In my search for information, I discovered a blog named Bertram's Blog. It's written by Pat Bertram, a Colorado native. I added her to my list of blogs, if you're interested in reading her posts. She has a sense of humor, covers a wide variety of subjects, and is a writer who also writes about writing. I have already learned a few things about blogging as well as writing, and it's only 8:00 in the morning. I can tell it's going to be a good day.

In another life.


  1. Sometimes I forget about Dad's whole-hearted commitment to being a dork.

  2. I'm going to assume you're referring to the photo. I never did understand the entire Miata stage.

  3. I never got to see 'the Miata', but I must be a dorkette because I think it's cool!
    AKA Jude

  4. The canoe on top is terribly phallic. I'm blushing.
