Monday, September 3, 2012

Wabi Sabi Writing

I want to write and I want my life to be centered around writing and books. What a great way to live, right? But most of my writing is centered around lists. Lots and lots of lists. Things to do. Things to buy. Places to go. Evaluations of subjects. Books to be read. Dates to remember. Even things not to do. (the subject of a future post about aging) Some of this is unavoidable since my memory is going to hell, but some of it is simply driven by habit or, dare I write it?, compulsion. I've tried to apply my gift for OCD to writing fiction and nonfiction. The only part of that idea that works is the compulsion to keep trying to make it a habit.
I have some things to write about. (and it's cheaper than therapy) Some ideas circling my brain like tiny fruit flies:

  • How I learned about fundamentalism when I was 16 and broke out a pack of cards and started playing solitaire at my Grandma's house.
  • The time I was three and my other grandma asked me to pick out my favorite chicken out in her yard. I did. She let me pet it then carried it over to a tree stump and chopped off its head with an ax. The headless hen flew above our heads before plummeting to the ground at my feet. 
  • We had a little farm in Ohio when the kids were young. There were dairy goats, horses, a dog, and cats. It's a good thing my grandma prepared me for headless chickens because the owls ate the heads off of our chickens until there were only a few left.
  • The trauma of being a bridesmaid. I had no idea you had to buy your own dress and the story goes downhill from there.
  • I've been to Singapore and Japan. Both countries were a treat after living in Bahrain. I came down with the mumps the day after I got back to California. 
  • I was in high school art class with one of the girls murdered by the Zodiac killer.
  • We moved to Italy. My first day there, a pervert cornered me in a doorway and pulled out his penis for me to admire. (it was unimpressive)
  • I was 11 the day our backyard pool was finished. My father got drunk and threw me in the deep end so I'd learn to swim. I sat at the bottom of 8 feet of water like a rock. Luckily, one neighbor was slightly less drunk and finally managed to pull me out. I also almost drowned in Lake Berryessa. This might explain my love of boats. Better to be in a boat than in the water.
  • We went sailing in Greece with our kids. Best vacation ever. They probably don't remember it that way but it was awesome.
  • I read a bunch and would love to bore people with my opinions on books. Please don't send me your perspective on said books because this blog is not democratic and I won't change my opinion anyway.
I'm determined to write on a daily basis. Despite my attractive list, with bullet points, (I warned you about the lists) I am a fairly normal person and hope to gain traction in my writing life from blogging.

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