Monday, December 30, 2013

Lost in Space

The last time I wrote in my blog was December 8th. I got derailed by the season as its pace became frantic, demanding more time and energy than I could spare. Just before Thanksgiving, a new baby joined our cast of characters. Already tired out from Thanksgiving, I was dealing with a cat who was quite sick. That problem was brought under control, then she was diagnosed with diabetes. My mantra for a few weeks was, "Are you freaking kidding me?" While I was trying to maintain my orbit, my oldest granddaughter turned five. An important birthday for all concerned; a step over the threshold leaving babyish things behind and entering the domain of childhood proper. We had guests for a few days but they stayed in a hotel, making it a different style of visit. Less intimate. The winter solstice arced through our cold and dark psyches and was much-appreciated for all that this short day implies. Winter can never be over with unless it first begins. Christmas happened. I always feel like I've had my head held under in a barrel of water until Christmas arrives. On Christmas morning, the hand holding me down is lifted and I can breathe again. I don't think this is in any way a proper feeling to have about Christmas, but that's my truth. In fact, it occurs to me that the barrel has become part of my holiday ritual. Guess I'd better do something about that. New Year's Eve is tomorrow and I love the arrival of each and every new year. Beats the hell out of the alternative, eh? I'm one of those fools who makes resolutions. It seems like most people think it's a waste of time, or maybe all the people who love making their hopeful lists are too busy fine-tuning that new set of goals to care what the naysayers are nattering on about. I accomplish, in part, most of my resolutions. I've even added a new dimension to my ritual: a condensed history of 2013 to remind  future me what was going on during these years that have started going by so fast.

I don't feel lost in space any longer. My trajectory is improving, getting further from earth's gravity so I can survive getting hit by any number of event-meteors, as long as they aren't too large. Splashdowns happen, and 2013 has brought several of my close friends into the troposphere. I've been there myself. Pretty soon earth's orbit will launch them back into the stratosphere where we all belong.

The newest member of our tribe


Stay strong.

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