Saturday, September 7, 2013

Saturday Doldrums

I tried to do a good thing last night and offered to sleep with the resident three-year-old on the futon. Her mother is pretty sick and looked like she could use a good night's sleep. The result was that the child got about 5 hours sleep, I got less, and her mother said she was awake most of the night anyway.
Sleep deprivation is never good, but I was dragging like I haven't drug in a long time when I had to get up with said child at 5:30 in the A.M. Steve had a fishing date and was leaving early, and I couldn't talk him into taking her with him to enjoy nature and all that. The good part is that I got a lot of pesky little jobs done around the house before I completely wore out. (I'm hoping that moving the suitcases from one room to another counts as a completed job)

I was fussing around the yard today and noticed the spiders are making those little egg nests all over the place. Could this mean an early fall? Our persistent heat wave may finally be broken next week, and there's even a possibility of rain. I can barely water enough to keep the plants alive, much less make any improvements. I was watering this evening and saw a sphinx moth on the Jupiter's Beard. These moths are often mistaken for hummingbirds.

My main accomplishments today were the preparation of dinner and an afternoon nap. I don't think I'll offer to sleep with the kid tonight. (It sounded so easy)

I started reading my new Wallace Stegner book on the American West today while eating lunch. I love his writing.

As the sun sets and the temperature drops a little bit, I find that I feel very much like taking a shower and climbing into bed with my book. I need some of those noise-cancelling headphones to complete my fantasy.

I hope that whoever reads this had a good Saturday that was just to their liking. May Sunday be even better.

Yay, Sleep!
Bring it on.

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