Friday, September 12, 2014

Riding a Wild Horse With Your Eyes Shut

When I say that life is like riding a wild horse I am talking about how control is an illusion. Life is beautiful and life is dangerous. Right now, I was riding the wild horse with my arms in the air with my eyes shut. The horse was giving a glorious ride, but a hoof went into a hole and we went cartwheeling across the real world.

Six months ago, I picked a week in September for a vacation. I decided upon a road trip to the southwest corner of the state and into northern New Mexico. As the coveted week approached, my cat was diagnosed with diabetes. We were able to "fix" her diabetes with a change in her diet last year after she almost died. Somehow diabetes and liver disease go hand in hand. Now we've hit the big time. She has to have an insulin shot twice a day, but the awful part is getting the blood drop out of her ear twice a day to test with the glucose meter. I have terrible close-up vision and the veins in her ears are very tiny. So that part has been nerve-wracking. Her ears have suffered a lot.

This morning the vet looked at the records I've been keeping and told me we could go to a twice a week schedule for poking those ears. I felt like I just got a big present. Unfortunately their lab test, when finished, showed an extremely low glucose level of 44, so it's back to twice a day testing for two more weeks. My test at 6:30 this morning had been 142, which is a good number. The cat is very prone to stress and stress elevates glucose so I think she had a "white-coat" high reading.

While all of this is going on, my granddaughter came down with a virus that may be the one plaguing Colorado and other states right now. She started preschool a few mornings a week and, presto-chango, she's sick. Then I got it, our grandson was next, then Steve, and now our daughter. A lot of the people who took vacation time, along with me, are now sick.

I received a letter from my past on my birthday. My head felt like a dark kaleidoscope for a while. There was very bad news about my oldest brother that I'm still working over with the few available synapses I have left. The past can never really be buried.

There are some things I just can't write about.

Then there's the anniversary of September 11th, which is also when our disastrous floods took place last year.

It's all so much to deal with but we still keep getting back on the horse.

The solace of nature, plus a few water skiers

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