Sunday, December 30, 2012

Next to the Last Day of 2012

We took our Japanese guest, at his request, to Park Meadows Mall yesterday. I don't know if it was the frigid temperatures or post-Christmas madness, but the mall was crazy busy. We had a difficult time even getting out of the parking lot. But his shopping was a success and well worth the ordeal. (almost)

Today was our trip to Boulder. We had lunch at The Med with friends then walked up and down Pearl Street. Again, very cold. Still cold. Obnoxiously cold.

I'm making a very usual dinner (for us) at home tonight. Roast chicken, potatoes, beets, and green beans. Afterwards, he wants to go someplace "interesting". God help me, but I don't know anyplace interesting to take him. He likes to go to the clubs and I'm a tired 60 year-old. My daughter is having a New Year's Eve party tomorrow night and he's going. Then he has to be at the airport by 7:15. He says he'll sleep all the way home to Japan.

I'm going to have a nice New Year's Eve, mostly at home. I'm half of a designated driving team, a babysitter, and I have my own ritual of writing as the year comes to a close. I just have to get through tomorrow first.

Having fun at the mall.


  1. I think you are doing a fabulous job! Hang in there and you'll get your New Year's ritual time to review and renew. Happy New year, friend.

    1. Thanks, Tamcho. I'm hoping it will be warmer today because we have more shopping on the schedule.
