Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas Day 2012

It's just after 8:00. The house is again quiet except for the sound of a movie about a brave mouse, and the humming of the dishwasher we use only after we have guests, like tonight. It's 12 degrees outside and will probably be in the single digits before dawn. Winter has finally hit Colorado like a frozen hardball.

We went out twice to find a suitable Christmas tree (meaning cheap and not half crispy brown) only to come home empty-handed each time. I was dragging a box out of the room when I got the idea to make a tree or, more accurately, a rough approximation of a tree, out of the cardboard. Better than nothing and it gave us something to hang our colorful lights on.

Merry Christmas and happy holiday hoopla to all. It's my hope that you enjoy the rest of this year so it can fade away with some self-respect. (I live to personify) Our next big moment will be New Year's Eve and, yes, I enjoy spending the evening reflecting on the past year, and all the possibility inherent in the new year. 


  1. I hope you had a very merry one this year with the kids and grand. Your tree is a winner; I love it! I just started my new book and am loving it, too! Thank you!

    1. Thank you. Glad you like the book. Happy New Year too!

  2. What a cool idea for a tree! Hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday :)

    1. And I hope you had a great holiday with your family and friends. Stay warm!
