Thursday, June 6, 2013

Babies, Bugaboos, Bravery, and Beyond

So many progeny are making the scene in our family. Sweet Oscar, in California, is handsome and destined to do great things. I can tell by the look in his eyes, and it helps to have Anna as a mother. We don't hear much from the family tree branch in Australia, but I believe they're doing well. Our youngest daughter, who is due around Thanksgiving, is experiencing tiredness because she is carrying yet another dynamic, energetic member of our clan. Her amazing energy is being diverted to the one who is growing and changing every day. Think of all the extra birthday gifts this baby will receive from our out-of-town turkey day guests. And speaking of birthdays, one of our sweet pea granddaughters in Seattle is about to complete her first trip around the sun. (Montessori schools have a wonderful birthday ritual with a model of the earth at the center of a group of children. The child having the birthday gets to hold a real candle (fire! awesome!) and walks solemnly around the sun as the months are chanted. (at least that's how we did it at Carquinez Montessori)

Bugaboos are when tests give false positives and cause anxiety to swirl around our heads. Bravery conquers our fears and all is well, one way or another. It reminds me that there is a multitude of awfulness that can land on our heads and our hearts at any time, but we keep going because there is no other course we can follow. The future is always there to walk toward. Wear some steel-toed boots and kick the bugaboos the hell out of your way.

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