Monday, January 28, 2013

Reading, Rest, and Recuperation

I woke up with a headache last Wednesday, and things went downhill from there. It's just a common cold but it's so blasted annoying. I went outside yesterday and sat in the sun for a good while. Vitamin D rocks. Soaking up some rays felt like a turning point and I started feeling better. I'm even better this morning so I hope there are no surprises in store.

It was hard for me to sleep so I started reading Stephen King's The Stand during my convalescence. Very bad idea. What I read in the evenings has always affected what I dream about, so I usually try to read something positive and/or enlightening. Poetry doesn't have an effect. I don't know why. So, last night, I told Steve I was tired of the freaky dreams, but I was past the really gruesome descriptions, so I continued reading the book. Another poor decision because I had the worst dreams yet.

I give up. No more caffeine after 3:00, and no more Stephen King after 6 PM. Is this how old age is going to progress, with more don'ts than do's?

I was sick of being in the house on Saturday. I couldn't do anything more for my physical health, but I could improve my mental health. We woke up early, got coffee, and went for a drive through the Plains. I wanted to see the towns of Johnstown and Milliken again. Cute places. I saw a multitude of horses and some buffalo. We ended up in downtown Loveland and went for a walk to look at the old buildings. I felt better after getting out for a while, but also exhausted.


  1. I'm so glad you're starting to feel better. I love that Garden of Eaton sign! Don't forget another thing you have to give up when you're getting older is chocolate at night...

  2. I'll move chocolate to a 4:00 cut-off time for now. I'm going to have to make a chart!
