Sunday, November 18, 2012

Frenzy or Ritual?

After getting off to a slow start yesterday, I hit my stride today. This is the time of year that triggers my cleaning OCD. Ever since I moved to where there is snow and ice every winter, (first Ohio and then Colorado) I feel the need to be prepared. I clean, organize, and make sure I have emergency food and supplies. What was once a way of dealing with my anxiety about winter, gradually became my fall ritual. My family thinks I'm going crazy because of Thanksgiving, but I know that no one on my guest list would give a rat's ass if my house is messy.

When I knew I had to have surgery a second time, I spent hours cleaning the house and stocking up on easy foods. But what I spent the most time on was cleaning out my closet. I felt like, if I died, I wouldn't be leaving a big mess for my family to clean up. (I'm considerate) Clearing out the clutter in the closet gave me an outlet for my nervous energy. It was a year before I had energy again so it's a damn good thing I cleaned out that closet while I could. (a little self-depracating humor there)

 I had a friend a few years back who smoked three packs of cigarettes a day. Her teeth fell out (sometimes right in front of me) and she couldn't get a job without teeth. She added drinking to her repertoire of coping skills, finally returning home to France so her parents could take care of her. She would have been better off pulling weeds or scrubbing the grout with a toothbrush)

What you do today will have a definite impact on your future. This is true whether it's working in the yard, saving money, exercise, or paying attention to what you eat. (and smoking is a good example, too) My fall cleaning ritual may buy me precious writing time this winter, which is a nice personal tradition I've enjoyed for several years.

I'm rambling too much so I'll give up and go clean something.

A soothing picture to look at in case you have nothing to clean.

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