Monday, August 18, 2014

August 18th, 2014

August is my favorite month. I'm like a little kid with a favorite color (green), a favorite insect (dragonfly), and a favorite food (cheeseburger). I could fill a page with my favorites, and may do so during a freewriting session, but not now. You can thank me later.

The things we favor are just slivers of our personality pie chart, but they are mighty in number.  And some of the slices of the pie are beyond our control, such as health, intelligence, age, parents, politics, and even our looks can be a hurdle to overcome, but it's our expectations and preferences that make us extraordinary.

Before I turned 62

What happened at 62 years plus one day


Just kidding, although my hair sometimes looks like the second flower.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Summer Malaise and the Doldrums

In August, one of our huge trees in the front yard begins to lose its leaves. I don't mind the mess, but the little leaves blowing around always remind me that summer is approaching its end, and that bothers me.  It doesn't help that I'm playing catch-up, trying to arrange and attend a bunch of appointments for myself, my horse, and my cat. Even getting a haircut has become a major annoyance. These obligations are really a pain to cram into every available Monday and Friday morning. My own fault for procrastinating, I know. Once all of my appointments are over with, I'm going to work on my wish list for visiting family and friends. Then it will be the holidays and I can complain about that. :-)

And as for writing... I worked three weeks in dibs and dabs to try to come up with 10 pages for my writing group. Realized I had written repetitious crap and ended up submitting three pages. August is a very poorly attended month for our group because of all the traveling and vacationing that people do. We had a influx of new, talented writers in June and July then only four people at our last critique session. I keep wondering if the group is circling the drain and hope it's not. I think new management would be a big help (In other words, someone who is not me) But maybe it's just summer malaise and the doldrums on a larger scale.