It's been a rough couple of weeks but it was nothing in particular. Probably no more than the convergence of small threads of problems and activities until the strands made up a rope around my scrawny little neck. Child care duties, company, heat, broken vacuum, two clogged sinks, a computer problem still unresolved, etc. But it was nice to have a visitor, and this weekend was a pleasant one. I attended a local writing club's workshop and had a good time. Celebrated Father's Day by making him cook all day. Had a fun time with the local family and ate lots of good food.
The porch is so nice during the summer. Mocha, a Strawberry Daiquiri, and a book. All mine.
I hope to get back to my book this week, beginning today. Writing is what centers and revitalizes me. Sadly, I cannot write in the evening. The story settles into my brain. I dream about the characters, as well as the writing of the story, and it's not restful sleep. God knows I need my sleep.
We also celebrated our youngest daughter's birthday this weekend. As the photo shows, she's got style and is definitely my child.
May you have a pleasant day, y'all.