You see a little bit of everything in an airport. The stories I imagine about people run the gamut. I wonder about the lady with six kids struggling to take them to the bathroom before their flight. Ranchers in full western regalia, visitors from other lands, student trips with harried chaperones. If I made a full list of the types of people I observe in an airport, it would be extensive.
There is a blog I enjoy reading that is written by a very successful writer. She travels the world doing fascinating things, enjoying other famous people's company, then writes about it. But one of her posts didn't sit well with me. Granted, I'm from a different social class than hers. (and I don't believe our society is classless) This writer was stuck in LAX and getting, admittedly, "scrappy", but besides making questionable remarks about someone's weight, crop tops, people wearing pajamas in the airport, and the amount of food being eaten, she also used her great gift of writing to harp about footwear. People who wear Birkenstocks without socks make her "queasy"
. People who wear those shoes with each toe separately enclosed make her "sick"
. Crocs make her "super sick". I wanted to find her super-secret address so I could wave Birkenstocks in her face while wearing my Crocs and yelling at her, "Who actually cares about crap like this, Bitch?"
I'm a terrible dresser. Not going to change anytime soon. I wear hiking boots because they're comfortable. And here's the big news: I wear Tevas with socks. The horror! I don't like the feel of Tevas without socks so, here's an idea, if you don't like the way I dress, then quit looking at my damn feet!
I was taken aback the last time I flew, when an adult woman wearing flannel pajamas and slippers sat in my row. I frowned. I cogitated. I decided I'd seen much worse on a plane than a clean-looking woman in cute pajamas, then I read my book and minded my own business.
I'll continue to peruse her blog because she's a fine writer, and I do believe she's entitled to her opinions. Maybe she was venting as she waited for her postponed flight, but I'd like to see the side of her that is kinder and not so upper-crusty.
I believe the middle seat is mine.