But I'm not in the mood for snow today. It was supposed to snow this evening, but I'm looking out the windows next to my computer this morning, and it's snowing. Quite a lot, and on my nicely cleared driveway. Of course I need to go to my writing group tonight in Boulder, so I'll just have to see how the day shakes out.
My brain has been spinning its wheels for quite a few days now. Sometimes I know why I can't gain traction, but I haven't got a clue about this time. The only writing I've done lately is in some letters and a short story I'm rewriting. I've made good on my threat to send out more of my fiction this year. So far, that is. I have an idea for a new book but it's ambitious and audacious. Can I pull it off? Can't hurt to try. Have you read Swamplandia! by Karen Russell? It's ambitious and audacious. Now she has a book of short stories out. The reviewers are saying it's even better than her novel. She has the balls to push the reader's belief, and does a great job.
I'm trying to plan a couple of short family visits to take place in the near future. Should I drive or fly? Tough choice. My granddaughters in Seattle are growing and changing at the speed of light and I miss them and their parents. My mother in California is slowly becoming light as a feather. I fear she'll blow away into the mists above the delta if I don't get out there soon. Of course, my intentions to travel have caused an anomaly in the fabric of the universe. My calendar is filling up with obligations. Family members may move in with us while they sell their house. My husband has taken on more work. Our cabin is still mud-bound and the time to deal with it is fast approaching. I don't have the time to sit here and spin my wheels.
My brain has been spinning its wheels for quite a few days now. Sometimes I know why I can't gain traction, but I haven't got a clue about this time. The only writing I've done lately is in some letters and a short story I'm rewriting. I've made good on my threat to send out more of my fiction this year. So far, that is. I have an idea for a new book but it's ambitious and audacious. Can I pull it off? Can't hurt to try. Have you read Swamplandia! by Karen Russell? It's ambitious and audacious. Now she has a book of short stories out. The reviewers are saying it's even better than her novel. She has the balls to push the reader's belief, and does a great job.
I'm trying to plan a couple of short family visits to take place in the near future. Should I drive or fly? Tough choice. My granddaughters in Seattle are growing and changing at the speed of light and I miss them and their parents. My mother in California is slowly becoming light as a feather. I fear she'll blow away into the mists above the delta if I don't get out there soon. Of course, my intentions to travel have caused an anomaly in the fabric of the universe. My calendar is filling up with obligations. Family members may move in with us while they sell their house. My husband has taken on more work. Our cabin is still mud-bound and the time to deal with it is fast approaching. I don't have the time to sit here and spin my wheels.